As I usually do when installing new languages, I looked for a version manager for Rust.
Rust has a rather nice one, called rustup
, which lets you switch from nightly to stable, and to different targets with very little effort.
Install RustUp
If you are on a Mac or Linux machine, this should do it:
curl -sSf | sh
Now you hopefully have RustUp, one thing you should know is there are three versions of Rust you can use with rustup
- stable
- beta
- nightly
rustup install <version>
will install the one you wantrustup default stable
will set the one you can access by default to be the stable one.
Test install
Now you should have rustc
, cargo
and rustdoc
$ rustc --version
rustc 1.9.0 (e4e8b6668 2016-05-18)
If you want a very specific version in a specific directory, you can:
$ cd <projectdir>
$ rustup override <version>
$ rustup override add nightly-2014-12-18
$ rustup override add 1.0.0
You can check if there are overrides with rustup show
and remove them with rustup override remove
You can also temporarily use a specific version just for one command, by prepending rustup run <version> <command>
$ rustup run beta bash
will open a beta shell.
Keeping up to date
$ rustup update
will update all your rust installs.
Better autocomplete
cargo install racer
for better completion.
You'll also need to clone the rust source code from git in some directory, then set RUST_SRC_PATH
to that directory.
To test it actually works, try:
$ racer complete std::io::B
MATCH BufReader,48,11,/Users/<user>/.rust/rust/src/libstd/io/,Struct,pub struct BufReader<R>
I use terminal emacs and rust-mode
works like a charm.
You'll need to install rust-mode
and racer
with M-x package-list-packages
What I have in my .emacs
(add-hook 'rust-mode-hook #'racer-mode)
(add-hook 'racer-mode-hook #'eldoc-mode)
(add-hook 'racer-mode-hook #'company-mode)
(add-hook 'rust-mode-hook
'(lambda ()
(add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'flycheck-rust-setup)
(local-set-key (kbd "TAB") #'company-indent-or-complete-common)))
(setq racer-rust-src-path (getenv "RUST_SRC_PATH"))
(global-set-key (kbd "TAB") #'company-indent-or-complete-common) ;
(setq company-tooltip-align-annotations t)
More Toolchains
, the successor of multirust
can also manage multiple and custom toolchains for cross-compilation.
$ rustup target list
to get a list of the available targets.
More info in the docs.
If you have multirust installed, you might have to wipe it out completely before RustUp works.
So now you should have a pretty nice dev env for Rust (assuming you like emacs).
Happy coding!
Comments? Give me a shout at @shadercat.
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